sábado, 15 de setembro de 2007

#1 - flag in top of gymnastic pavillion

A bandeira de Portugal no topo do pavilhão do INATEL. É sempre bom ver a nossa bandeira assim ao sabor do vento.
The portuguese flag in the top of the INATEL pavillion. It's always good to see our country flag blowing in the wind.

4 comentários:

Eric disse...

Hey Nagrakiller,

Happy to see you posted on due date! Welcome to the community and don't worry all the changes have been made.

happy City Daily Photo blogging.

nagraK disse...

Hi Eric
Thanks for the support.


~tanty~ disse...

Hi Nagrakiller,
Welcome to the DP family and greetings from Stavanger.

nagraK disse...

Hi ~tanty
Thanks for your comment.
Nice daily photo blog about Stavanger - you said you're not a photographer, but the pictures are great :)
